Often, a fungus called Malassezia triggers dandruff, which normally lives on your scalp. Yet some people have too much of it, and it causes Dandruff to form. Seborrheic Dermatitis is a condition that turns the skin oily, red, and scaly. The white or yellow scales flake off, creating dandruff, when it affects the scalp. You can get seborrheic dermatitis anywhere you have oil glands, including your eyebrows, groin, armpits, and along the sides of your nose.
It is not caused by poor hygiene, although it may be more obvious if you do not wash your hair regularly. One theory is that a person’s immune system overreacts to Malassezia fungus, causing dandruff. Cold, dry winters can trigger dandruff or make it worse, as well as stress..
Dandruff can also affect men with beards.
Is beard dandruff a thing?
Yes, beard dandruff is a thing, and it is caused by having chronically dry and broken skin. Naturally, beards absorb moisture from the skin, leaving it dry. As a protective measure, the body will produce more skin cells to compensate and seal the broken skin. This process thickens the skin, which may be accompanied with pustules (white heads – a cluster of white blood cells) that are trying to fight small localised infections. If the beard is left unmoisturised it will itch, you scratch, the dead skin cells flake away and appear as beard dandruff… the cycle repeats. It is important to recognise the condition and needs of the skin under your beard, the beard itself and address them both.
How do I maintain a healthy beard?
Maintaining a healthy beard is easier than you think. Wash it regularly with a gentle cleanser, keep it moisturised with a good product that suits your needs, and comb it daily from tip to root.
If you are noticing pimples or suffer chronically, consult your doctor.
Using our Beard Balm
Why do I feel a little warmer after using the Beard Balm?
This is due to the oils working their magic, bringing fresh blood and nutrients into the area, this promotes growth. This will pass after 20mins (generous time limit, it will subside much sooner) but should not feel uncomfortable or burn.
When and how do I use the Beard Balm?
The beard balm should be used moderately. Use your judgement in the amount you need against the length of the beard. It should be a fine coating, not saturated. Ideal use is twice a day, massage into skin with your fingertips, however it can be reapplied to the beard area whenever you wash your face. Comb or brush the beard thoroughly after applying. This provides even and thorough distribution of the Beard Balm through the beard and stimulates the hair follicles.
If you notice any adverse effects or feel uncomfortable, stop using the product immediately, rinse off with warm water, seek medical advice/treatment and inform us at the earliest opportunity at support@ebonoire.com
If you are unsure about using our products, please consult your doctor first.
To find out more about Dandruff, visit https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dandruff/